Forum Discussion

Matt_62609's avatar
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Sep 12, 2012

Microsoft Dynamics CRM policy?

Today I am just using a copy of the Level 2 Delivery Policy to optimize our Microsoft Dynamics CRM application, however I get reports once in a while for missing buttons within the application. The fix at the moment seems to be to invalidate the cache for the WA policy however I was wondering if anyone else had a policy they could share that works well for them? Or if anyone else has seen similar behavior with recommendations on how to adjust it?



Thanks for any help!


  • All of a sudden our CRM site started loading a blank page. I removed the Web Acceleration Profile (webacceleration) and the site is coming up properly now.


    The guy before me applied both an HTTP Compression Profile (wan-optimized-compression) and a Web Acceleration Profile (webacceleration). Is this bad? Anyone know why the site broke?