Forum Discussion

HerrDrachen's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Oct 11, 2022

Microsoft CA certificate on F5 not using Common Name

Good Morning,

We are using F5OS 1.2 with the bundle as a tenant.  We are generating CA certificates from our local Microsoft CA server and have noticed that the F5 / browser certificate when it comes back does not work as excpected.  Anything we put in the Common Name field is ignored and it only looks at the SAN fields.  If I put in a shortname or FQDN in Common for tenant, appliance or partition / application SSL certificate the browsers we tried it on just fail repeatedly.  If I put either shortname or FQDN in Common for tenant, appliance or partition / application SSL certificate the browsers are happy and show us the happy green lock.  Our support staff reports that the Common field works in version 14 but I cannot find a bug report or issue tracking ticket that shows that it might be broken in version 15 of the tenant bundle.