Forum Discussion

ktstyle_52699's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 09, 2012

MGMT port and last hop




I see this good community of professionals. That's good.


We install in our network few clusters 6900 and 3900. With this equipment we use Checkpoint for Layer 3. Checkpoint used with ClusterXL VMAC.


First problem (no ping to Virtual Servers) was resolved - disable globally "Auto last hop".


But this feature not disabled on MGMT interfaces. And i can't ping this interfaces.



may be somebady have same problem? How disable this feature on MGMT interface?



Thank you.


  • Can you check the ARP table on the F5, not the switch please. Thanks for clarifying the rest.
  • Just found this: " A response to a request originated by a remote host is returned to the last MAC address traversed by the inbound request." regarding the management interface and routing in v11, in sol13284. You might have been right!
  • What Lies Beneath thank you.



    I think i have only one way - MGMT inbound.



  • ktstyle,



    i am also running Checkpoint Gaia ClusterXL VMAC with F5 v10. In SOL9487, F5 details VRRP which Gaia also supports. VMAC sets up ClusterXL to work like VRRP from a virtual mac & IP architecture. The VRRP iRule example in SOL9487 can also be applied to ClusterXL when running VMAC. If you are running F5 v11, the SOL article specifies to disable auto last hop but i have not way to test the iRule functionality in v11. I am running this iRule in v10 and it resolved my issues with my network monitors and long-term connections being dropped due to a firewall failover.