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Jo_31162's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 06, 2014

Maximum Connections Statistics

Hi all, I need to understand better why MaxConnStats on VIP side is different from MaxConnStats on its Pool side and why there are more connections on "delivery9" node (RoundRobin method).




VS is standard-flat without OneC configuration.


Could someone help me?


Thanks in advance and Brgds


  • I need to understand better why MaxConnStats on VIP side is different from MaxConnStats on its Pool side

    i think it may be because they are on different side (client-side and server-side).

    [root@ve11a:Active:In Sync] config  grep -A 7 ltmVirtualServStatClientMaxConns\ OBJECT-TYPE /usr/share/snmp/mibs/F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB.txt
    ltmVirtualServStatClientMaxConns OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX Counter64
            MAX-ACCESS read-only
            STATUS current
                    "The maximum connections from client-side to the specified virtual server."
            ::= { ltmVirtualServStatEntry 10 }
    [root@ve11a:Active:In Sync] config  grep -A 7 ltmPoolMemberStatServerMaxConns\ OBJECT-TYPE /usr/share/snmp/mibs/F5-BIGIP-LOCAL-MIB.txt
    ltmPoolMemberStatServerMaxConns OBJECT-TYPE
            SYNTAX Counter64
            MAX-ACCESS read-only
            STATUS current
                    "The maximum connections from server-side to the specified pool member."
            ::= { ltmPoolMemberStatEntry 9 }

    why there are more connections on "delivery9" node (RoundRobin method).

    is delivery9's hardware same as others?

  • Many thanks nitass. But should not be equal? 20.8K IN and 20.8K OUT instead of 4.8K OUT?


  • But should not be equal? 20.8K IN and 20.8K OUT instead of 4.8K OUT?


    is client-side and server-side equally fast? is it possible that responsiveness on each side is not equal?


  • I think yes but the truoble is that I don't have lost traffic on each side.


    All works fine but I don't understand this difference.


    Any suggestion nitass?