Forum Discussion

Guillaume_H_351's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 25, 2018




I try to create ltm Policy Rule to forward traffic to different virtual IP with check http host.


BIG IP version: 13.1.08


I created a first Policy with two rules: Policy name: TEST2


First Rule to match HTTP PROXY REQUEST


And When attempting to create a second rule to match HTTP REQUEST , the system displays an error message that appears similar to the following example:


An error occurred: transaction failed:010716e2:3: Policy '//Drafts/', rule ''; an action precedes its conditions.


The same configuration with an irule works.


Thank you for your return. Guillaume


  • Nate_7016's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    This is because those two events are not linear to each other. The workaround is to use an irule. Our current validation looks for events that MUST happen in order but doesn't account for when things CAN happen in a different order. If you hit this error it means you're using it in a way that we don't currently allow and if it's valid then you'll need to use an irule to do it. The RFE for tracking a request to make this more dynamic is: 742057