Forum Discussion
LTM Policy to select pool based on TCP port is not working
Hello Everyone,
We are trying to do a POC where there is one Virtual Server listening on port '0' (basically all ports) and we would want to select the pool based on the remote port number using LTM Policy, however, its is not working. Any help on this please.
For example select pool WebApp_Odessa select pool WebApp_Jasper
We did set up the policy as below.
TCP port is '45000' at client accepted time.
Forward traffic to pool '/Common/WebApp_Odessa' at client accepted time.
TCP port is '45005' at client accepted time.
Forward traffic to pool '/Common/WebApp_Jasper' at client accepted time.
Hello Mahi.
It's not necessary to configure a policy.
You could configure 3 VS like this:
- Mahi
Thanks Dario, we tried that solution and its working.
For some reason, we need only one VIP and not use an iRule. Therefore, we decided to go via the policy route.
Hello Mahi.
Configure 3 VS is faster than configure a policy.
Anyway, I've tested in my lab and it's working fine using forward to pool (with "local - external" and automap)
ltm policy Policy_Test { controls { forwarding } last-modified 2020-04-02:09:07:31 requires { http tcp } rules { redirect { actions { 0 { forward select pool P-WEB_80 snat automap } } conditions { 0 { tcp port local values { 80 } } } } } status published strategy first-match }
- PeteWhite
The policy which Dario has posted above is what you want. If you can let us know in more detail what exactly is not working then that would help. For debugging purposes, I would add a log statement to show that you are hitting the ltm policy, maybe it is something else in the setup which is not working.
- Mahi
Hello Pete,
The solution of different virtual servers is what we tried and it worked. The design team want to reduce the number of virtual servers and use policies for some reason.
I am seeing a 'Reset' packet from the virtual server with the reason 'No server selected' in the packet capture. Somehow the policy is not kicking in. Any thoughts?
- PeteWhite
Hi Mahi, Can you either post your LTM policy here, or compare it to the example shown above.
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