Lose management BIG-IP VE
Hi All,
I have a pair of BigIP VE on VMware vSphere 7.0 U3 and I notice that randomly, even several times a day, I lose the reachability of the management eths.
The only way to restore is to access via VMware WebConsole and execute the command 'service network restart' or from the Virtual Machine setting disconnect and reconnect the eth.
I checked the compatibility matrix ( https://clouddocs.f5.com/cloud/public/v1/matrix.html ) and it seems to be ok having installed the release
also taking the K74921042 ( https://my.f5.com/manage/s/article/K74921042 ) as a reference, I applied the workaround (even if we talk that BIGIP VE may fail to process traffic) and the drivers should be correct:
[root@f5-02:Active:In Sync] config # tmctl -d blade tmm/device_probed
pci_bdf pseudo_name type available_drivers driver_in_use
------------ ----------- --------- --------------------- -------------
0000:03:00.0 F5DEV_PCI xnet, vmxnet3, sock,
0000:04:00.0 1.4 F5DEV_PCI xnet, vmxnet3, sock, sock
0000:13:00.0 1.2 F5DEV_PCI xnet, vmxnet3, sock, sock
0000:14:00.0 1.6 F5DEV_PCI xnet, vmxnet3, sock, sock
0000:0b:00.0 1.1 F5DEV_PCI xnet, vmxnet3, sock, sock
0000:0c:00.0 1.5 F5DEV_PCI xnet, vmxnet3, sock, sock
0000:1b:00.0 1.3 F5DEV_PCI xnet, vmxnet3, sock, sock
some idea?