Forum Discussion

Shazee's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Oct 22, 2019

Logging in LTM and BigIQ

Is there a way on BIG IP LTM VE to have syslog server detail as FQDNs rather than IP address? (for syslog services)

if not possible, Is that a limitation?

and does it apply same to BIGIQ as well?

Please help

  • Hi Shazee,


    Can you elaborate on that question? I am not quite sure what you are asking. Are you asking if the LTM can write logs noting the FQDN node name rather than the IP address of the node or are you asking something else? If you can provide an example of what you are seeing and an example of what you want to see then that may be helpful as well.


    -Nathan F

  • Hello Nathan,

    My query is regarding the addition of syslog server for remote log capture.

    in BIG IP , System ---Log--- Configuration--- Remote logging ---- Options available is only to add a Syslog server ip.( No provision to add a FQDN name of the remote syslog server).

    My AWS environment has the provision to have only a FQDN name for the syslog server.


    Is there a way to add remote syslog server name as FQDN name rather than IP address.?

    Thank you for the response,