Forum Discussion

Alex_McShane_23's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 18, 2017

Local Traffic Policy: How to reject / reset connections in 11.4.1

Hi - I would be grateful for guidance with regard to the following requirement.


The following concerns using a Local Traffic Policy


I will simplify what I am after in order to draw out the issue.


In English, the requirement is to reject any connections satisfying the following conditions:-


1) HTTP Header is not ("A","B" or "C") and 2) HTTP URI begins with /DEF


Within 12.1.2, I understand that the Policy rule would be of the form:- Conditions:-


HTTP Header named "blah" is not any of (A,B,C) HTTP URI extension begins with /DEF


Action:- Reset Traffic


Is there an equivalent for BIG-IP LTM 11.4.0?


In short, I am unable to identify an equivalent action to Reset Traffic


Much appreciated

