Forum Discussion

A__N_5261's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 11, 2012

Load Balancing is not working






We have pool with four member. All member are up and pool configure with Health moniter.



they have running webpage on member when we surf that webpage . That machine name come up.


when refersh from my maching it show only one maching or some time other machine name.



I tried from different Browser that same time and different maching.



First i configure Round Robin Load balance does not happen . I tried observer not happened.



I see only 2 server name when i referesh.




Please any body can tell what can be issue. from LB HOW we can check . for particual Pool Load balancing is happeneing or not



Client want full load balance





Thanks & Regards


Ankush Narang


  • have you ever tried to close and re-open browser or use ctrl+f5 instead of refresh?



    normally bigip does load balancing only one for each tcp connection.
  • i tried other broswser and closed also




    is there any way to check from LB side. its getting load balance or not







  • is there any way to check from LB side. its getting load balance or notmay you check statistics page? it is at overview > statistics > local traffic and then select pools on statistics type.
  • Thanks for instant Reply Nitass



    But statistic show only



    in/out bits and packet and


    current connection


    maximum connection


    toal request



    it does not show how many request handel by which memeber. Is ther any other way




    Thanks & Regars


    Ankush Narang
  • it does not show how many request handel by which memeber. Is ther any other way have you selected pools as statistics type?
  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    SOL10430 might also offer insight for this:



    sol10430: Causes of uneven traffic distribution across BIG-IP pool members



