Forum Discussion

duBeN_123857's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 27, 2015

Load balance to lower priority group member with iRule


I have following scenario: 4 pool members - 3 of them with priority 2 and 1 with priority 1. I want all traffic to go to higher priority group and with an iRule, I want to forward traffic from one specific source IP to lower priority group member. As I cannot this test in advance I'd like to ask if it will work before I'll start with implementation .

iRule would be:

    if { [LB::status pool $poolname member $ip $port] eq "up"} {
            if { [IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals] } {
                pool $poolname member $ip $port

that should work fine my only concern is if F5 won't have problem to send the traffic to lower priority group member when there are available members in higher priority group.


  • Your rule looks good. The

    command doesn't care about the load balancing method on a pool when you chose a specific member with it. It is overriding the LB method and priority when you use it this way.

  • Your rule looks good. The

    command doesn't care about the load balancing method on a pool when you chose a specific member with it. It is overriding the LB method and priority when you use it this way.

  • Your rule looks good. The

    command doesn't care about the load balancing method on a pool when you chose a specific member with it. It is overriding the LB method and priority when you use it this way.