Forum Discussion

kridsana's avatar
Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
Sep 16, 2019

Load balance link Outbound with LTM+DNS?

Hi Everyone,


First question for new forum. :)


>> Can F5 LTM+DNS module perform Bandwidth Link Load balance outbound ?


Just like in Link controller.


Thank you

3 Replies

  • Hi.


    Yes, and more :-)



    Type of LB that can interest your:



    BIG-IP DNS distributes DNS name resolution requests to the virtual server that is currently processing the fewest number of kilobytes per second. UseKilobytes/Second only with virtual servers for which BIG-IP DNS can collect the kilobytes per second metric.


    Packet Rate:

    BIG-IP DNS distributes DNS name resolution requests to the virtual server that is currently processing the fewest number of packets per second.


    Quality of Service:

    BIG-IP DNS distributes DNS name resolution requests to virtual servers based on a score assigned to each virtual server that is calculated from current performance metrics. Use Quality of Service only when you have configured BIG-IP DNS to calculate an overall score for each virtual server based on performance metrics.


    You have more dynamic LB used by DNS module in the following link:




    • kridsana's avatar
      Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

      Hi youssef


      Sorry I'm not specify it. what I mean is outbound LB link.


      Can it perform outbound Load balance link like LC too?