Forum Discussion

AndOs's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Dec 03, 2012

Keep applications active after web interface logoff




I'm trying to make a configuration with Big-ip APM to replace two old Citrix Access Gateways for our Citrix farms.


I've made a setup using the iApp for XenApp using f5.citrix_xenapp_xendesktop.2012_06_27 which load balances and authenticates users to our XenApp 5.4 web interfaces.


We are using TMOS 11.2.0 and will not replace the web interface with webtop (basically do pass-through auth if I understand this correct)



One issue I immediately ran into was that the applications I start gets disconnected when I log off the web interface and my APM session closes.


The setting "Logoff behavior: Log off all sessions" is unchecked in Citrix web interface.



If I start applications directly from the web interface servers, without going through the APM, the appications remain active when I log off.




Is there any way to get the applications to remain active even when the APM session closes, so that it mimics the behavior of the old gateways?



I've looked through the iApp deployment guide and also the settings in APM, but haven't found anything that seems to control this.







