Forum Discussion

John's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Apr 19, 2011

Issue with classes with only one item and [class get datagroupname[

Ok, I'm having an issue with an irule using the [class get ]. If my class is defined with only one item, the class get command will return two items. Is it counting a null value as an item? Tried on 10.2.1 Build 297 final and 10.2.1 Build 496 HF2.







set clientRequestedURI [string tolower [HTTP::uri]]



how many items


log "size = [class size john-test-group]"



iterate through class


foreach {element} [class get john-test-group] {


log "url=$clientRequestedURI element=$element"








My class from bigip.conf:


class john-test-group {









Rule john-test-data-group : size = 1


Rule john-test-data-group : url=/dns.html element=item1


Rule john-test-data-group : url=/dns.html element=




Class with > 2 items (odd that it adds extra "{}" in the bigip.conf):


class john-test-group {












Rule john-test-data-group : size = 2


Rule john-test-data-group : url=/dns.html element=item1 {}


Rule john-test-data-group : url=/dns.html element=item2 {}





Even with values defined, gives same result, except the value does show up as the second item when class with one item:




class john-test-group {






Rule john-test-data-group : size = 1


Rule john-test-data-group : url=/dns.html element=item1


Rule john-test-data-group : url=/dns.html element=




class john-test-group {




"item1" { "value1" }


"item2" { "value2" }






Rule john-test-data-group : size = 2


Rule john-test-data-group : url=/dns.html element=item1 value1


Rule john-test-data-group : url=/dns.html element=item2 value2




Second oddity, if the string has spaces, one list item is not enclosed in {} in log:



class john-test-group {


"item1 sub1-1 sub1-2"




Rule john-test-data-group : size = 1


Rule john-test-data-group : url=/dns.html element=item1 sub1-1 sub1-2


Rule john-test-data-group : url=/dns.html element=



class john-test-group {




"item1 sub1-1 sub1-2"


"item2 sub2-1 sub2-2"






Rule john-test-data-group : size = 2


Rule john-test-data-group : url=/dns.html element={item1 sub1-1 sub1-2} {}


Rule john-test-data-group : url=/dns.html element={item2 sub2-1 sub2-2} {}





Any ideas?








  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi John,



    Post 10.1, the value is always implied even if it's not set. You can use -name to get the name or -value to get the value. To get the first element name of a datagroup, you can use class element -name. Likewise to get the first value: class element -value.





  • John's avatar
    Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
    hmmm, doesn't seem consistent. a "class size" gives 1, but a "class get" gives 2. So if I want to iterate a list I can't use "class get"? Or I have to put a conditional if count >2, then use get? Or should I be using search?




    class get [-nocase] []



    Returns a list containing the names or a list of the name and value currently found in .


    An optional may be specified to restrict the list to names that match the Tcl glob pattern. Additionally, the switch -nocase may be specified to enable case-insensitive pattern matching.


    This command provides a way to access the class as a Tcl list similar to previously access the global variable named the same as the list.