Forum Discussion

Ricardo_Raza_14's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 14, 2018

ISPs outbound load balancing

Hi I have with some specific request and doubt, I am instaling a solution with DNS and LTM to make a outbound load balancing of ISPs. My architecture is


Selfip1 x.x.x.2 selfip2 y.y.y.2 selfip3 z.z.z.3


Node1 x.x.x.1 Node2 y.y.y.1 Node 3 z.z.z.1


Pool_gw with 3 nodes default route with pool_gw


I can see that the load balancing is working, but in the guide I can see that I make a wildcard VS, but is not clear for me, which type of VS(standar, forwarding IP, performance Layer 2); I try whit 3 and only work with forwarding IP, but in this virtual server I can specify any pool; please your help.


Another question I have a specific requeriment, they have 3 networks,


x.x.20.0 x.x.30.0 x.x.40.0


And they want that the net x.x.20.0 always go throught the isp 1 until this link is down; how can I make this possible, I try whit a specific virtual server forwarding IP but not work when I configure a snat_pool.




  • You can use different virtual server type:


    • forwarding ip to only enable routing
    • performance L4 to enable routing and set a pool as gateway
    • standard to enable routing, set a pool as gateway and enable L7 profile (like FTP)

    When a virtual server destination is a network, pool member is used as the gateway pool.