Forum Discussion

nrg2brn_163859's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 26, 2014

Is the gtm software the same as the ltm software?

Seems like a dumb question, but I need to know for sure. cant find seperate software, so im assuming the .iso file is for both unit types??




  • Hi,


    Let me bring even more doubts to you))


    Every LTM has its own GTM... Limited, but it's true.


    So, those LTMs/GTMs/etc are just feature modules for a Traffic Management Operating System (TMOS) which comes as a single BIG-IP-11.x.x.x.iso file.


    Modules could be activated by the license.


  • correct, same software for all our modules, then you activate them by applying the appropriate license and resource provisioning.


  • Hi,


    Let me bring even more doubts to you))


    Every LTM has its own GTM... Limited, but it's true.


    So, those LTMs/GTMs/etc are just feature modules for a Traffic Management Operating System (TMOS) which comes as a single BIG-IP-11.x.x.x.iso file.


    Modules could be activated by the license.