Forum Discussion

SSell's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Aug 23, 2017

Is it safe to remove Installed Images on the Viprion host?

I am about to upgrade our F5's to 12.1.2 HF1 with an engineering fix (from 12.1.1) and I want to clean up unused images. We have some currently unused vCMPs that run 11.5.3, but they are not powered on. Is it safe to delete Software Volumes that have 11.5.3 and it not impact the vCMPs that use 11.5.3? The Viprion is running 12.1.1 on HD1.4, but has a HD1.1, 1.2, 1.3 with 11.5.3 on them.


Thank you


    • SSell's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus


      Thank you for the link. I read through that and thought the show vcmp virtual-disk detail might show the answer, but I don't see any references to the items I'm referring to. I attached a picture of what I'm curious about. The boot location HD1.1, HD1.2 and HD1.3, are those in anyway linked to vCMPs or are they only locally significant to the host itself?


      Thank you