Forum Discussion

Israel_01_14942's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 10, 2018

Irules for a specific tcp ports and https

Hello everyone


I am not expert in F5, and I need help with a VIP for all ports, and I only need to allow the ports 443 and from the TCP 7000 to 7010


Currently I have this configuration:


when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { log local0. "Accepted--start iRule" if {([TCP::local_port] < 7000 ) && ([TCP::local_port] > 7010) && ([TCP::local_port] != 443) } { log local0. "[IP::client_addr] rejected on TCP [TCP::local_port]" reject } if {([TCP::local_port] >= 7000 ) && ([TCP::local_port] <= 7010) } { log local0. "[IP::client_addr] accepted on TCP [TCP::local_port]" pool pool01 } if {([TCP::local_port] == 443) } { log local0. "[IP::client_addr] accepted on TCP [TCP::local_port]" set proto "https" SSL::profile client.clientssl pool http_pool } log local0. "Ended--iRule completed" }


But the https access is not working, I am not able to reach any node.


  • Hi,

    you can test this irule:

    log local0. "Accepted--start iRule" 
    if {([TCP::client_port] <= 1000  && [TCP::client_port] >= 65000) && ([TCP::local_port] == 443) } {
         do nothing
    } else {
        log local0. "[IP::client_addr] rejected on TCP [TCP::client_port]" 

    For info:

    is your source/local port in your context (clientside)

    is your destination port in your context (clientside)

    This article can help you:
