Forum Discussion

morris's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 06, 2020

iRules command: Switch vs If

I saw the article in saying Switch is a higher performing command and run faster than If command. Why is that so?
  • Dario_Garrido's avatar
    Oct 06, 2020

    Yes Morris. That's right.

    If-statement with 3 conditions (and default).

    if { $bla eq "one" } {
       # do something
    } elseif { $bla eq "two" } {
       # do something
    } elseif { $bla eq "three" } {
       # do something
    } else {
       # do something

    Switch-statement with 3 conditions (and default).

    switch $bla {
      "one" {
        # do something
      "two" {
        # do something
      "three" {
        # do something
      default {
        # do something

    Don't forget to mark my answer as the best the help me for the contribution.

