Forum Discussion
Irule working on current connection.
When my company rolls out new code on webservers we want the
ability to make sure everyone from the Internet is redirected to a maintenance
During the maintenance period I
want to our QA staff from both of our offices to be able to reach the site for
if {not ( [IP::addr
"[IP::client_addr]/8" equals ""]or[IP::addr
"[IP::client_addr]/12" equals ""]or[IP::addr
"[IP::client_addr]/16" equals ""]or[IP::addr
"[IP::client_addr]/25" equals ".../25"]or[IP::addr
"[IP::client_addr]/28" equals ".../28"]or[IP::addr
"[IP::client_addr]/26" equals "..."] ) } {
HTTP::redirect "http://www.***.com/Maint_Pages/Maintenance.html"
The rule basically say’s that unless you are coming from an
internal IP address or a public IP address from my company, you are sent to a maintenance
This used to work great until we started using services from
Akamai use connection sharing so
they create a connection to our LTM and use that connection to service multiple
requests. The net result is they may
keep an active connection to the LTM for a long time. When I use the Irule to put the VIP into maintenance
mode, anybody using Akamai does not see the Irule because Irules don’t work against
current connections. I need ALL
customers redirected.
I have played with idea of adding the following to the beginning
of the Irule.
when RULE_INIT { LB::detach
My concern after do some reading on the Internet is it
sounds like RULE_INIT can be a scary command if used wrong.
Also while I think this should work when I
add the Irule to the VIP, I figure it won’t drop connections when I remove the
iRule. (Get eveyone off of the maintence page)
Can the experts tell me if this will work and is it a good
Also, if there a better way to lock out the internet but let
internal users in, I am willing to look at any solution.
- Brian_Van_Stone
When we are doing site maintenance at my company we actually have secondary VIPs for those performing the maintenance/testing. The new VIPs listen on the same IP but on a non-standard port (4011-4014 for http to legs 1 through 4 and 5011-5014 for https to legs 1 through 4). These new VIPs point to pools which still send traffic over 80/443 so everything works the same in the back end. This also enables us to circumvent the load balancing and test one leg at a time. - Bryce_Klimoski
What if instead of applying the iRule at the time of maintenance it was just always in place and then you trigger the maintenance request portion by disabling all the pool members? You could then proxy your internal requests to a separate pool to handle the testing.
I haven't validated the syntax of this, however the iRule would look like this. If your default pool is named my_pool_name your internal pool would be named my_pool_name_internal.
If pool members are down
if {[active_members [LB::server pool]] < 1}
if {not ( [IP::addr "[IP::client_addr]/8" equals ""]or[IP::addr "[IP::client_addr]/12" equals ""]or[IP::addr "[IP::client_addr]/16" equals ""]or[IP::addr "[IP::client_addr]/25" equals ".../25"]or[IP::addr "[IP::client_addr]/28" equals ".../28"]or[IP::addr "[IP::client_addr]/26" equals "..."] ) } {
HTTP::redirect "http://www.***.com/Maint_Pages/Maintenance.html"
} else {
Send to internal pool
pool "[LB::server pool]_internal"
The down side is the fact you know have to keep two pools updated when you add/remove members.
- John_Matlock_42
I agree with Bryce's suggestion. Additionally, you could clean up / optimize the iRule by using a datagroup with the defined networks and use matchclass.If pool members are down if {[active_members [LB::server pool]] < 1} { if { [class match [IP::client_addr] equals internal_networks_datagroup] } { If client is internal send to internal pool pool "[LB::server pool]_internal" } else { Send external connections to maintenance page HTTP::redirect "http://www.***.com/Maint_Pages/Maintenance.html" } }
- Ross_Merkle_791
First I would like to thank everyone for the prompt replies. - Ross_Merkle_791
First I would like to thank everyone for the prompt replies.
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