Forum Discussion
Aug 04, 2011Nimbostratus
iRule vs HttpClass
Nowadays my customers ask me for many redirection, for example from http to https, from to usually easy things...
User wants to force the Host header.
- Via iRule:
rule {
if { [HTTP::host] ne "" } {
HTTP::redirect ""
- Via Httpclass
May I do something like that ¿?
profile httpclass {
defaults from httpclass
pool none
redirect ""
hosts regex "![^*]" --> I don't know how to do a Negative RegExp
But what is more effective ¿? which one is less painful for the CPU ¿?
Thank you
- It's always faster to execute logic like this natively in the product. But, in this case, "faster" can just mean you are shaving a couple dozen milliseconds off the request which is negligible. The bigger question you should ask yourself for situations like this is "what is more manageable". If it won't change very often and you just want to set it and forget it, then use the Class profile. But, if you want to have more control and options for expanding it (ie. adding elses and else-ifs), then an iRule might work out best for you.
- hoolioCirrostratusYou'd need to use a lookbehind to do a negative match with a regex. But you could instead create an HTTP class with a string pattern matching with no action and then create a match all HTTP class which redirects to The string patterns would be more efficient than a regex anyhow.
- Angel_Martinez_NimbostratusHi Guys
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