Forum Discussion

Mike_Blue_30573's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 04, 2005

IRule V4.x to 9.x conversion problem

I have tried over and over to convert this rule to V9. I get an


error saying that "Wrong of args". I am no irules expert obviusly.


I have been trying to walk through the TCL and Irule supplement pdf


but I am still messing something up.



Any help would be greatly appreciated.



if (domain(http_host, 3) == "") {


use pool test_http




else {


if (domain(http_host, 3) == "") {


use pool test_svra




else {


if (domain(http_host, 3) == "") {


use pool test_svrb




else {














Freakingenius "ok maybe not with irules".
  • Deb_Allen_18's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    This should do it:
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
      switch [domain [HTTP::host] 3] {
        "" {pool test_http}
        "" {pool test_svra}
        "" {pool test_svrb}
        default {discard}
