Forum Discussion

David_Oertli_18's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 10, 2017

iRule to route based on CIDR notation

I am trying to create an iRule to allow testing of our application from internal IP addresses but not from anything external. The scenario is that if a client attempts to access our application from external during the testing period you will be sent to a 'sorry server' but if you are internal you will be sent to the normal application server pool. Below is what I have based on other iRules I have seen. I am trying to utilize CIDR notation for simplicity sake.

Thanks in advance

    if { [IP::addr [IP::client_addr]/8 equals] |  [IP::addr [IP::client_addr]/12 equals] | [IP::addr [IP::client_addr]/16 equals] } { 
        pool application-server_pool 
    } else { 
        pool sorry-server_pool
  • The is already a default data class built into the F5 for private address space called private_net.

        if { [class match [IP::client_addr] equals private_net] } { 
            pool application-server_pool 
        } else { 
            pool sorry-server_pool

    You can use this or roll your own. See under iRules -> Data Group List. Address based data groups are designed for IP address matching. If a client address matches a subnet in the address data group then this will return true. The same applies if it is a single host as well.

  • The is already a default data class built into the F5 for private address space called private_net.

        if { [class match [IP::client_addr] equals private_net] } { 
            pool application-server_pool 
        } else { 
            pool sorry-server_pool

    You can use this or roll your own. See under iRules -> Data Group List. Address based data groups are designed for IP address matching. If a client address matches a subnet in the address data group then this will return true. The same applies if it is a single host as well.