Forum Discussion

kridsana's avatar
Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
Sep 04, 2018

iRule to resolve DNS for GTM (wide-ip if possible)



I've server on cloud and want to try to use irule to resolve dynamic IP from cloud and return IP to user.


I saw irule LTM can use RESOLVE:lookup and we can use it on Listener.


But Is it possible to have the same function irule in wide-ip ?


because if we attach irule on Listener, it will surely take more performance than wide-ip.


Flow is When user send dns request for wide-ip "A" -> F5 resolve dynamic IP from cloud (it's hostname will be like> F5 return IP to user.


ps. due to some circumstance CNAME is not possible.


Thank you


  • FYI

    This is irule that can include on Listener. (But not wide ip)

    The irule resolve dynamic IP from AWS and return to user.

    Cloud server is
    when DNS_REQUEST {
    if {([string tolower [DNS::question name]] equals "") && ([DNS::question type] equals "A")} {
        set aws [RESOLV::lookup @ -a ""]
        DNS::answer insert "[DNS::question name]. 111 [DNS::question class] [DNS::question type] [lindex $aws 0]"