Forum Discussion
iRule to redirect with an elseif statement
make sure you change the host string as well as the uri string to lower case Then you can do a proper check.
chage host to all lower case
set $host [string tolower [HTTP::host]]
chage uri to all lower case
set Vuri [string tolower [HTTP::uri]]
if { $host equals "" and $Vuri starts_with "/supplierguide" } { HTTP::redirect ";; } elseif { $host equals "" and $Vuri equals "/" } { HTTP::redirect ";}
- Hectorm_262752Apr 07, 2017
You will need an IRule for the HTTP to HTTPS traffic in the Port 80
when HTTP_REQUEST { set Vuri [ string tolower [HTTP::uri]] set Vheader [string tolower [HTTP::host]]
Make sure you change the header and the default redirection to match the new siteswitch $Vheader { {HTTP::redirect "https://[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]"} default { HTTP::redirect "" } }
Then I will apply the following Irule to the HTTPS
chage host to all lower caseset $host [string tolower [HTTP::host]]
chage uri to all lower caseset Vuri [string tolower [HTTP::uri]]
if { $host equals "" and $Vuri starts_with "/supplierguide" } { HTTP::redirect ";; } elseif { $host equals "" and $Vuri equals "/" } { HTTP::redirect ";}
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