Forum Discussion
Mar 06, 2012Nimbostratus
iRule to mitigate attack
i need to protect mail servers from a virus attack.
we have a network with users. some of them are using the mail servers, some of them are attacking the mail servers. we see th...
Mar 07, 2012Nimbostratus
the first link limit connection per virt - this is not what i'm looking for.
the second link is much better.
i've edit the irule and it looks something like this:
what happend to other networks (outside the datagroup)? they wont be limited?
Data group mapping hosts/networks to connection limit values
class conn_limit_dg {
network { "2" }
when RULE_INIT {
This defines how long is the sliding window to count the requests. This example allows 10 requests in 3 seconds
set static::windowSecs 3
Max connections per client IP
set limit [class match -value [IP::client_addr] equals conn_limit_dg]
log local0. "[IP::client_addr]: \$limit: $limit"
Check if client IP is in the connection limit data group and the request is a GET
if { $limit ne "" } {
set getCount [table key -count -subtable [IP::client_addr]]
log local0. "[IP::client_addr]: getCount=$getCount"
if { $getCount < $limit} {
incr getCount 1
table set -subtable [IP::client_addr] $getCount "" indefinite $static::windowSecs
} else { log local0. "[IP::client_addr]: exceeded the number of requests allowed. $getCount / $limit"
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