Oct 18, 2022Altostratus
Irule to check if traffic SMTP is with authentication or not
I all, I'm very new here and I tryng to get help witt a new IRule that can get if the traffic SMTP it's with authentication or not.
The Idea is:
Option 1:
if the SMTP traffic it's coming with authentication---->send it to Server 1
if the SMTP traffic it's coming without authentication---->send it to Server 2
Option 2:
if the SMTP traffic it's coming with authentication---->send it to Server 1
if the SMTP traffic it's coming without authentication---->put the authentication (user, login) and send it to Server 1
Can anyone orient me how can I do this IRule Option 1 or 2?
I will be very pleasure for hyour help.
Andrés H.