Forum Discussion

jonathanw84's avatar
Jun 03, 2020

iRule to Add Trailing Slash Except for Extensions


I have an iRule that I am using to direct requests to a specific pool based on the URI:

   set uri [string tolower [HTTP::uri]]
   if {[HTTP::uri] starts_with "/apps"} {
   pool ProxyPass_DEV_pool_2
   else {
   pool ProxyPass_DEV_pool_1

This is working fine, but I also need to ensure that any request that does not have an trailing slash "/" at the end, gets it added, with the exception of requests that end in an extension. For example: would become, but for any URI really.

Additionally, would not be affected.

Any suggestions? Thanks!

  • Hello,

    Considering that the resource will only have the dot char to extensions, I do this way:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        if { not ( [HTTP::path] ends_with "/") && not ( [URI::basename [HTTP::uri]] contains "." ) } {
            # Append slash and keep querystring when it exists
            HTTP::uri [HTTP::path]/[expr { "[URI::query [HTTP::uri]]" eq {} ? {} : "?[URI::query [HTTP::uri]]" }]
        if { [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] starts_with "/apps" } {
            pool ProxyPass_DEV_pool_2
        else {
            pool ProxyPass_DEV_pool_1


    1. "/apps" will become "/apps/" internally;
    2. "/apps?param=value" will become "/apps/?param=value" internally;
    3. "/test.html" and "/test.html?param=value" remais the same. 

    I hope it helps.


  • Hello,

    Considering that the resource will only have the dot char to extensions, I do this way:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        if { not ( [HTTP::path] ends_with "/") && not ( [URI::basename [HTTP::uri]] contains "." ) } {
            # Append slash and keep querystring when it exists
            HTTP::uri [HTTP::path]/[expr { "[URI::query [HTTP::uri]]" eq {} ? {} : "?[URI::query [HTTP::uri]]" }]
        if { [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] starts_with "/apps" } {
            pool ProxyPass_DEV_pool_2
        else {
            pool ProxyPass_DEV_pool_1


    1. "/apps" will become "/apps/" internally;
    2. "/apps?param=value" will become "/apps/?param=value" internally;
    3. "/test.html" and "/test.html?param=value" remais the same. 

    I hope it helps.


    • jonathanw84's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

      Thanks cjunior! This worked well with only one minor issue. It looks like it is appending the / regardless if it the / is there or not. Is there a way to make the statement to say "if not contains "." AND does not end with "/", to add the "/"?



      • cjunior's avatar
        Icon for Nacreous rankNacreous

        Ops! That passed by my eyes :/.

        Thank you for warn me.

        I rewrited that condition. Check that out.