Forum Discussion
Feb 19, 2019Altocumulus
Here is the complete iRule:
when RULE_INIT {
set 1 to enable logging, 0 to disable
set static::tls_iR_debug 0
set static::tls_iR_sourceIP
SSL::disable clientside
SSL::disable serverside
if { [class match [IP::local_addr] equals DG_SWG_SSL_Passthrough_Clients_IP] } {
if {$static::tls_iR_debug and [IP::client_addr] equals $static::tls_iR_sourceIP}{log local0. "ir181017-1 - Client IP: {[IP::client_addr]} Server IP: {[IP::local_addr]} - Match DataGroup IP!!"}
If Destination IP address matches Data Group - turn off HTTP and SSL Profiles
} else {
Collect TCP DATA for SNI analysis in the CLIENT_DATA event
if {$static::tls_iR_debug and [IP::client_addr] equals $static::tls_iR_sourceIP}{log local0. "ir181017-2 - Client IP: {[IP::client_addr]} Server IP: {[IP::local_addr]} - No Match DataGroup IP"}
set tls_servername ""
Store TCP Payload up to 2^14 + 5 bytes (Handshake length is up to 2^14)
set payload [TCP::payload 16389]
set payloadlen [TCP::payload length]
If valid TLS 1.X CLIENT_HELLO handshake packet
if { [binary scan $payload cH4Scx3H4x32c tls_record_content_type tls_version tls_recordlen tls_handshake_action tls_handshake_version tls_handshake_sessidlen] == 6 && \
($tls_record_content_type == 22) && ([string match {030[1-3]} $tls_version]) && \
($tls_handshake_action == 1) && ($payloadlen == $tls_recordlen+5)} {
skip past the session id
set record_offset [expr {44 + $tls_handshake_sessidlen}]
Exclude tls 1.3 ciphers
binary scan [TCP::payload] H300 content
skip past the cipher list
binary scan $payload @${record_offset}S tls_ciphlen
set record_offset [expr {$record_offset + 2 + $tls_ciphlen}]
skip past the compression list
binary scan $payload @${record_offset}c tls_complen
set record_offset [expr {$record_offset + 1 + $tls_complen}]
check for the existence of ssl extensions
if { ($payloadlen > $record_offset) } {
skip to the start of the first extension
binary scan $payload @${record_offset}S tls_extension_length
set record_offset [expr {$record_offset + 2}]
Check if extension length + offset equals payload length
if {$record_offset + $tls_extension_length == $payloadlen} {
for each extension
while { $record_offset < $payloadlen } {
binary scan $payload @${record_offset}SS tls_extension_type tls_extension_record_length
if { $tls_extension_type == 0 } {
if it's a servername extension read the servername
SNI record value start after extension type (2 bytes), extension record length (2 bytes), record type (2 bytes), record type (1 byte), record value length (2 bytes) = 9 bytes
binary scan $payload @[expr {$record_offset + 9}]A[expr {$tls_extension_record_length - 5}] tls_servername
set record_offset [expr {$record_offset + $tls_extension_record_length + 4}]
} else {
skip over other extensions
set record_offset [expr {$record_offset + $tls_extension_record_length + 4}]
unset -nocomplain payload payloadlen tls_record_content_type tls_recordlen tls_handshake_action tls_handshake_sessidlen record_offset tls_ciphlen tls_complen tls_extension_length tls_extension_type tls_extension_record_length tls_supported_versions_length tls_supported_versions
if {$tls_servername equals "" || [class match $tls_servername contains "DG_SWG_SSL_Passthrough_Clients_FQDN"] || [class match $content contains "DG_TLS_1_3_Hex_List"] == 0} {
SSL::enable clientside
SSL::enable serverside
if {$static::tls_iR_debug and [IP::client_addr] equals $static::tls_iR_sourceIP}{log local0. "ir181017-3 - Client IP: {[IP::client_addr]} Server IP: {[IP::local_addr]} SNI: {$tls_servername} - No Match DataGroups"}
elseif {$static::tls_iR_debug and [IP::client_addr] equals $static::tls_iR_sourceIP}{log local0. "ir181017-4 - Client IP: {[IP::client_addr]} Server IP: {[IP::local_addr]} SNI: {$tls_servername} - Matched DataGroups - Disable SSL"}