Forum Discussion

LBadinger_33194's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 21, 2018

iRule Switch Statement default pool

Trying to understand how this irule should behave when it hits the "default' option on the "switch" statement. When the "pool $default_pool" is called what is the behaviour of the pool statements that follow in the "if then" statement? Does it override the previous pool statement?

set default_pool prod_default3_pool
set inbound_temp_pool prod_temp3_pool

switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]]
        pool bar_pool
        persist cookie insert "barsession"  "1d 00:00:00"
        pool $default_pool

        if { [HTTP::cookie exists "TEMP"] }

                   pool $inbound_temp_pool

  • You have some syntax problems with your iRule, namely unbalanced closing braces and an empty else statement. I've fixed those below.

      set default_pool prod_default3_pool
      set inbound_temp_pool prod_temp3_pool
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
      switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] {
        "/foo*" {
        "/bar*" {
          pool bar_pool
          persist cookie insert "barsession"  "1d 00:00:00"
        default {
          pool $default_pool
          if { [HTTP::cookie exists "TEMP"] } {
            pool $inbound_temp_pool

    In a switch statement, the 'default' option handles anything that haven't matched one of the configured comparisons. In your rule, that means any request with a URI not beginning with /foo or /bar will fall to the default case and end up assigned to the pool specified by $default_pool...except when the request contains the HTTP cookie "TEMP", in which case, the connection is assigned to the pool specified by $inbound_temp_pool.

    As written, your rule is setting the variables default_pool and inbound_temp_pool on each new connection, which is probably not needed. You might want to move that variable assignment out to the RULE_INIT event, or even get rid of the assignment entirely and directly name the pools.