Jun 08, 2022Nimbostratus
iRule redirect causing Connection Reset
We have a straightforward iRule that will produce a maintenance page if the iRule is added to the Virtual Server. This has worked fine for years - until we updated to (from Now, instead of the maintenance page, the browser produces a Connection Reset error. Here is the iRule:
HTTP::respond 200 content \
"<html><head><title>Maintenance page</title></head><body></HEAD>\
<p><h2>This site is down for planned maintenance.<br><br>If you need further assistance, please contact the Service Desk.</h2></p></body></html>" "Content-Type" "text/html"
We believe the problem has something to do with the 'content' flag on the HTTP::respond. If we remove the content, we do not get a connection reset. But then we do not get the maintenance page either, so that's no good.
Does anyone have any idea why we'd suddenly be getting Connection Reset errors in the browser?
Thank you!