Forum Discussion
iRule Math - Square Root?
I hope I'm simply doing something wrong, but I cannot figure out how to calculate the square root of a number inside an iRule. I tried the sqrt() and pow() TCL functions, but it doesn't seem like those are supported (got errors after applying the iRule). Does anyone know how I can calculate the square root of a number in an iRule?
- Michael_Yates
Hi mhupman, - mhupman_60939
Thanks for the reply. Its very disappointing that they don't support basic math functions - what could be the motivation for that? Anyway, i was able to implement my own (hacky!) square root calculator based on the Nth Root Algorithm ( Code snippet below for anyone who might be interested:
Calcuate the square root. Based on the
set guess [expr {$targetValue/2}] for {set i 0} {$i < 32} {incr i} { set guess [expr {$guess + $targetValue/$guess}] set guess [expr {$guess/2}] } set answer $guess
Obviously this doesn't have any special-case handling (1, negative values, etc) and isn't very performant but it works well enough for my use case.
- Its very disappointing that they don't support basic math functions - what could be the motivation for that?
- mhupman_60939
For load balancing decisions, sure - I can't imagine many cases where advanced math functions would be necessary. But there are nearly infinite use cases for iRules. In my particular case, I am building a stats logger based on the Link Tracking CodeShare iRule ( One of the query string parameters my app uses contains a encoded version of the requestor's UserID. I wanted to display the unencoded UserID on that stats page (and also include a hyperlink to our internal CMS for that UserID) and the last step of decoding the UserID is to take the square root of the encoded value :)Regardless of my particular use case, I can't imagine there is significant overhead involved in including the rest of the math functions. TCL compatibility is touted as a feature of the iRule engine - it would be nice if it followed the spec as closely as possible.
- But there are nearly infinite use cases for iRules. In my particular case, I am building a stats logger based on the Link Tracking CodeShare iRule (
- mhupman_60939
O.K. I see. My point of view is: Even if it's possible to do a lot of things with an iRule (and I have done strange things to fix broken applications), there are very often better ways to do things offsite, by logging information to an internal system and implement all the required logic there, especially if it's about statistics and other performance data.I agree, but it in this case I had a few hours to implement a status page for the Ops team to see who was making requests. It was much faster to use pure iRules then to attempt to integrate multiple systems.O.K. I see. Is there any special reason for encoding the userid in that way? Sounds a bit like security by obscurity ;-))The UserID in this case is just a unique identifier we use for tracing events. We take the original DB identity value and bitshift it and square it before handing it out to clients to use in their web calls. This is to prevent a typo or transcription error from mixing up two client's data (e.g. UserID's 143 and 144 might be represented as EncUserID 8347362 and 9234873 in the web call). It's not designed to be safe, but to prevent silly errors.
As much as I understand your demand, I also understand F5 if they just implement what's really needed. After all this is a load balancer with an included TCL interpreter and not a fully implemented TCL interpreter with some load balancing functionality ;-))I guess we'll agree to disagree :).
You can use "sideband" connections to retrieve data from an external system with TCP or UDP ( I mentioned above, I only had a short time period to implement this, so creating a decoding endpoint would have been impractical. However, I didn't know about the sideband connections, I'll read up on them. Thanks!
- hoolio
Seems like it would be easy enough for F5 to add support for more of the math functions than just rand. You could open a case with F5 Support to request this. However, considering this was just discovered now, I'm guessing the demand for these functions is a bit low :) - George_Watkins_Historic F5 AccountI ran into the same issue trying to answer this post:
- George_Watkins_Historic F5 AccountI found this Tech Tip from Joe ( with a list of available math functions in iRules.
- George_Watkins_Historic F5 Account
Here is a solution using Newton's method to calculate a square root:
when HTTP_REQUEST { set input [URI::query [HTTP::uri] "input"] if { ([HTTP::path] equals "/sqrt") && ($input ne "") } { if { $input == 0 } { set sqrt 0 } else { set x [expr {abs($input)}] while { 1 } { set y [expr (($x+($input/$x))/2)] if { [expr (abs($x-$y))] < 0.01 } break set x $y } set sqrt $y } HTTP::respond 200 content "The square root of $input is $sqrt" } }
http://test-http-virtual/sqrt?input=144 => "The square root of 144 is 12"
http://test-http-virtual/sqrt?input=225.25 => "The square root of 225.25 is 15.0083321641"
http://test-http-virtual/sqrt?input=67108864.0 => "The square root of 67108864.09 is 8192.00000549"
Hope that helps,
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