Forum Discussion

Zabeel_101104's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 20, 2011

irule issue with priority groups and continue to end of script




We have an issue with our irules where access-lists are used for users to only be able to access whats defined in the group for them only for website access. Issue we have is that I would like them to continue dropping into other groups if no match is found for what they are trying to get to.



At the moment they get to whats defined in there own group and thats all nothing else. Without having to duplicate urls for users I would like to make this efficient where if the match is not found they continue into other groups defined in priority 509 as below on till the end then stop. In between there are other irules as 501 which is ip address controlled.



Attached is a ommited version of the irule we have in place



This iRule Processes requests which were not caught by the HTTP Class


and handles access restrictions to certain sites


when HTTP_REQUEST priority 501 {


group 1 IPs Only


if { [class match [IP::client_addr] eq grp-1] } {


log local0. "Entered 501 this group 501"


Disable LDAP Authentication via APM




Access controlled by source address Sites


Anything that doesn't match exit Event


switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::host]] {


"" { pool grp-server2 }


default { return }














when HTTP_REQUEST priority 509 {


log local0. "Entered 509 to get my_host"


set my_host [string tolower [HTTP::host]]






log local0. "APM Done - ACL Allowed"


Everyone Else


All Other Sites


Anything that doesn't match send a RST


switch -glob $my_host { "host_url_here" { pool grp-webserver1 }


default { return }









Any help appreciated






  • John_Alam_45640's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    At first glance, it looks like the: default {return} is causing the irule to stop processing that event.



  • Hi John



    Thanks for the reply can the default { continue } fix this ? As the irule we have is pretty long.






  • You do not need to list a default action unless you have one. The normal default action (unless you specify one) will allow all traffic that does not qualify for an iRule action to be passed through to the default pool applied to the Virtual Server.

    Looking at your iRule, you do not need a default action.

    You could also combine these separate iRules into a single iRule if you wanted to:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    if { [class match [IP::client_addr] eq grp-1] } {
    switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::host]] {
    "" { pool grp-server2 }
    switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::host]] {
    "host_url_here" { pool grp-webserver1 }
  • Thanks for the reply Michael.



    We have a single irule but it is structered as you have written in your script almost 500 lines! I will raise a change and will remove the default return from each section but leave the default reject at the end.



    Thanks for all your help.






  • Thanks for the reply Michael.



    We have a single irule but it is structered as you have written in your script almost 500 lines! I will raise a change and will remove the default return from each section but leave the default reject at the end.



    Thanks for all your help.





