Forum Discussion

Pierrejn's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 06, 2017

iRule Help Please

I'm trying to combine L7 Load Balancing with sending a maintenance page if the pool/pools are down. Please see below.


Code when HTTP_REQUEST {
if { [class match [string tolower [HTTP::host]] equals _http_pools] } {
    pool [class match -value [string tolower [HTTP::host]] equals _http_pools]

and trying to combine the following


Code when HTTP_REQUEST {
set VSPool [LB::server pool]
if { [active_members $VSPool] < 1 } {
log local0. "Client [IP::client_addr] requested [HTTP::uri] no active nodes available..."
HTTP::respond 200 content "

We'll be back!


Please be advised that we are performing a scheduled maintenance on the site you are trying to access.  All site access will be unavailable during this maintenance.  Service is expected to resume February 4 at 5 a.m. CT 

  • Hi Pierrejn,

    the iRule below is a combination of your two dedicated iRules...

    when HTTP_REQUEST { 
        set VSPool [class match -value [string tolower [HTTP::host]] equals _http_pools]
        if { $VSPool ne "" } then {
            if { [active_members $VSPool] > 0 } then {
                pool $VSPool
            } else {
                log local0. "Client [IP::client_addr] requested [HTTP::uri] no active nodes available..."
                HTTP::respond 200 content "
            We'll be back!
                IMPORTANT MESSAGE 
                Please be advised that we are performing a scheduled maintenance on the site you are trying to access.  All site access will be unavailable during this maintenance.  Service is expected to resume February 4 at 5 a.m. CT 
        } else {
             Unknown HOST-Name requested...

    Note: Updated the post to correct a formating glitch...

    Cheers, Kai