Forum Discussion

Ambk25's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 28, 2022

Irule ending with trailing slash

I have requirement that If URL is referring to a page that does not end with a "/" then redirect to the same URL ending with a "/" but it should not include below points:

1. ignore all request with Method POST

2. ignore all URLs starting with:




3. URLs containing :

a query in the URL (indication is “?”)

URLs containing: /api/

9 Replies

  • Perhaps something like this:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        if { not ( [HTTP::uri] ends_with "/" ) && \
            not ( [HTTP::method] eq "POST" ) && \
            not ( [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/Webresources.axd" ) && \
            not ( [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/EPiServer.Forms/" ) && \
            not ( [HTTP::uri] contains "?" ) && \
            not ( [HTTP::uri] contains "/api/" ) } {
                HTTP::redirect "https://[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]/"
    • Ambk25's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Hi Kevin, 

      Thnk you very much for your reply. We have also created below irule ( with one more requirment --- If any letter in the URL contains upper case then redirect to a strict lower case version of the same URL):

      when HTTP_REQUEST {

      if { [HTTP::uri] ne [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] } { HTTP::respond 301 noserver Location [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] }

      if { not ( [HTTP::uri] ends_with "/" ) and ! ([class match [string tolower [HTTP::path]] ends_with /DMZ/extensions]) and (! ([HTTP::uri] contains "/api/") or ! ([HTTP::uri] contains "/WebResource.axd") or !([HTTP::uri] contains "/EPiServer.Forms/") or !([HTTP::uri] contains "?") )} { HTTP::respond 307 Location "[HTTP::uri]/" }

      In this irule we want to ignore all post method request which should not redirect, so let us know how we can achive this condition.

      • Kevin_Stewart's avatar
        Icon for Employee rankEmployee
        when HTTP_REQUEST {
            if { [HTTP::uri] ne [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] } {
                HTTP::redirect "https://[HTTP::host][string tolower [HTTP::uri]]"
            } elseif { not ( [HTTP::uri] ends_with "/" ) && \
                not ( [HTTP::method] eq "POST" ) && \
                not ( [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/Webresources.axd" ) && \
                not ( [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/EPiServer.Forms/" ) && \
                not ( [HTTP::uri] contains "?" ) && \
                not ( [HTTP::uri] contains "/api/" ) } {
                    HTTP::redirect "https://[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]/"