Dec 21, 2023Cirrus
iRule - unexpected behavior
Hello Community,
I have recently experienced an unexpected behavior from an iRule, where the http responses were intermittent and failure detected on the last event in the iRule HTTP_RESPONSE_RELEASE.
We have noticed the odd behaviour started when the log destination pool members failed to respond to health-check monitor (server down).
Below is a snippt of the iRule event where the failure observed.
when HTTP_RESPONSE_RELEASE { # figure out the final duration and add it to the IPFIX log set stop [expr {[clock click -milliseconds] - $start}] IPFIX::msg set $rule1_msg1 flowDurationMilliseconds $stop # send the IPFIX log IPFIX::destination send $static::http_rule1_dest $rule1_msg1 }
I'm questioning two things:
- Why the failure was intermittent and havent affeted all responses?
- Why the pool memebrs status affected the iRule when they went down?
I'd appreciate any explanation.