Forum Discussion

skuchma_87556's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 27, 2012

Integration between GTM VE and LTM VE

Hello Colleagues,


We have two LTM VE installed as HA pair and want to test GTM functionality. So we install two new GTM VE as sync group. Bigip_add between GTM was passed successfully and both GTM have certificates of each other. Now I try to add LTM to GTM. So I try to run big3d_install and point it to LTM management ip address, but scripts ask me root password from LTM. My LTM VE doesn't have root login (only admin) - root access disapeared after LTM provisioning. All LTM and GTM are version 11.1. How I can use admin username instead?



Best Regard,


Stanislav Kuchma


  • After exchanging certificates btw LTM and GTM, the big3d_install was successfully ran over LTM. But VS auto discovery in GTM doesnt work.
  • VS autodiscovery start working after I've added GTM as server in DataCenter.


    • Eric_Hartwell_1's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      this is still necessary in 11.4.1. This is not in the documentation and almost doesnt make sense.