Forum Discussion

a_basharat_2591's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 26, 2016

In/Out Traffic Statistic on F5-LTM in HA mode



I've got a HA pair, one acting as Active and one as Standby. I have set up a Virtual Server [VS-IP] for SSH sessions using port 22, so the F5 Load balances the requests to the VS-IP throughout the Servers behind.


When I have a look to the Traffic Statistic generated, under Statistic>>Module Statistic>>Local traffic>>Pools , What I see is:


  • On the Active one I can see something like:


and for the Standby is:



the Question that springs to my mind is:


  • The column IN and OUT are: In from the F5 to the Server and OUT from the Server to the F5, or is it the other way around?
  • Why the Active one has got traffic on the OUT Column, if potentially is on Standby mode and therefore not sending/receiving traffic?



  • Hi,


    IN is for Peer to F5 and OUT stand for F5 to the peer. I think that the OUT should include the monitoring traffic. You have traffic initiated from peer to F5 on the active unit only.


  • Hi,


    IN is for Peer to F5 and OUT stand for F5 to the peer. I think that the OUT should include the monitoring traffic. You have traffic initiated from peer to F5 on the active unit only.


    • a_basharat_2591's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      OK thanks, understood, So IN/OUT shoul be looked from the F5 perspective: In [traffic comming to the F5], OUT [traffic leaving the F5]. What still baffle me is the fact that the Standby is registering traffic toward the Servers. And they are the same statistics as on the Active Peer.
  • Hi,


    IN is for Peer to F5 and OUT stand for F5 to the peer. I think that the OUT should include the monitoring traffic. You have traffic initiated from peer to F5 on the active unit only.


    • a_basharat_2591's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      OK thanks, understood, So IN/OUT shoul be looked from the F5 perspective: In [traffic comming to the F5], OUT [traffic leaving the F5]. What still baffle me is the fact that the Standby is registering traffic toward the Servers. And they are the same statistics as on the Active Peer.