Forum Discussion

NiHo_202842's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Jan 13, 2016

Incorrect load balancing when disabling Oneconnect

Hello,   so sketch the situation; we have a $app-pool and an $app-report-pool. $app-pool serves the regular web interface, while $app-report generates reports and sends this to the user. Default p...
  • Hannes_Rapp_162's avatar
    Jan 13, 2016

    Is the app-pool configured as Default Pool in your Virtual Server settings? If you conditionally select another pool, ie. the server-report1 pool in an iRule, you will need to include a 'Default or Else' clause in the iRule to 'Re-Confirm' your Default Pool. Just having the app-pool as your Default Pool setting in Virtual Server properties will not be enough.

    You may see a similar problem occuring in your environment:

    - Your first request to app-pool is routed correctly
    - Your second request to app-pool is routed correctly
    - .. All requests destined to app-pool are routed correctly, until the first occurence where a request is routed to server-report1 pool
    - .. All the requests that should go to app-pool (default) thereafter are now incorrectly routed to server-report1 pool.

    For a solution, if you're using the

    conditional statement, append an
    statement to specify the app-pool as your default selection in iRule. If you're using
    conditional statement, append a

    Give it a try, if the conditions described match your configuration. This would be a generic iRule problem, not related to OneConnect by any means.