Dec 13, 2023Nimbostratus
iControl Rest Create Portal Access Resource with Caption
I am using the iControl REST API to create a portal-access resource but there doesn't seem to a attribute of the resource that allows setting the Caption field in the "Customization Settings for English" panel in the UI. Where can I update this field. For exampe, I updated this field manually and set a caption in the UI (Access -> Connectivity/VPN: Portal Access : Portal Access Lists -> MyPortalSite) then if I use the REST API to retrieve the resource, the caption is not part of the properties returned from the resource:
"kind": "tm:apm:resource:portal-access:portal-accessstate",
"name": "test-ssh",
"partition": "local-only",
"fullPath": "/local-only/test-ssh",
"generation": 316,
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/apm/resource/portal-access/~local-only~test-ssh?expandSubcollections=true",
"aclOrder": 9,
"applicationUri": "",
"cssPatching": "false",
"customizationGroup": "/local-only/test-ssh_resource_web_app_customization",
"customizationGroupReference": {
"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/apm/policy/customization-group/~local-only~test-ssh_resource_web_app_customization"
"ephemeralAuth": "false",
"flashPatching": "false",
"htmlPatching": "true",
"javaPatching": "false",
"javascriptPatching": "true",
"linkType": "uri",
"locationSpecific": "true",
"patchingType": "full-patch",
"pathMatchCase": "true",
"proxyPort": 0,
"publishOnWebtop": "true",
"schemePatching": "true",
"itemsReference": {
"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/apm/resource/portal-access/~local-only~test-ssh/items",
"isSubcollection": true,
"items": [
"kind": "tm:apm:resource:portal-access:items:itemsstate",
"name": "item",
"fullPath": "item",
"generation": 1,
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/apm/resource/portal-access/~local-only~test-ssh/items/item",
"clientCachingType": "default",
"compressionType": "gzip",
"homeTab": "true",
"host": "",
"linkType": "uri",
"log": "none",
"order": 1,
"paths": "/*",
"port": 2222,
"scheme": "https",
"sessionTimeout": "true",
"sessionUpdate": "true",
"subnet": ""
I check the related customizationGroup resource and that also doesn't contain the caption field. My goal is to set the caption so a user-friendly label shows up on the webtop.