Forum Discussion

ikkut23's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Oct 04, 2022

iCall script not working

Hi guys ,


 i have a scenario with a pool with two members ,Server A and Server B with priority group activated .

Server A - pga 15

Server B pga 10

i created an iCall script and what  i`m trying to accomplish is that when Server A will be down i want Server B to have a higher priority group so when Server A is back online it will be join pool as standby.


1) i created an alert /user_alert.conf


alert server1-down "Pool /Common/TeststanbyNode /Common/ monitor status down." {
exec command="tmsh generate sys icall event change_pga context { { name ip value } {name port value 80} }" }


2)created script 


sys icall script /Common/pool_member1_down {
app-service none
definition {
exec modify ltm pool TeststanbyNode members modify { {priority-group 20}}
description none
events none


create sys icall handler triggered pool_member_down script pool_member1_down subscriptions add { change_pga {event-name change_priority} }
any idea what is wrong with my script 
Thank you in advance
  • you're calling event change_pga from alertd but then icall script is expecting change-priority. Align those and you should be good to go.

  • Hi Jason thnx a lot , now i`m getting this error on /var/ltm logs  when i execute :

    generate sys icall event change_priority

    tmsh[19010]: 01420006:3: members: required brace is missing "{"
    err scriptd[3868]: 014f0013:3: Script (/Common/pool_member1_down) generated this Tcl error: (script did not successfully complete: (Syntax Error: members: required brace is missing "{"

    and when i manually put node down no errors on /var/ltm logs except that pool member monitor is down but no change on priority.



    • JRahm's avatar
      Icon for Admin rankAdmin

      ah..two things. 

      1. Use tmsh::modify instead of exec, no need to leave the script to modify objects (this is an optimization, not a fix)
      2. Escape your braces:
      tmsh::modify ltm pool TeststanbyNode members modify \{ \{priority-group 20\}\}
      • ikkut23's avatar
        Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

        yeapp that did work , 

        but still cant figure out with smth with alertd,when i mark the node down manually i can see on ltm log that 

        Pool /Common/TeststanbyNode member /Common/ monitor status node down.

        but lets say its not triggering the event

        alert server1-down "Pool /Common/TeststanbyNode /Common/ monitor status node down." {
        exec command="tmsh generate sys icall event change_pga context { { name ip value } {name port value 80} }" }


        can you double check ,and also idk if its worth mentioning but Big-IP version is


        ah also if i try and run "generate sys icall event .. " it works and script changes the pga.

