Forum Discussion
Apr 20, 2011Nimbostratus
I-rule to re-direct page back to source IP address?!
We have a site that is hosted through our F5 and it has a page which returns the users IP address so the source ip of the user accessing the site but the IP that is being returned is the floating IP o...
Apr 22, 2011Cirrostratus
Hi Pav,
It sounds like the application is reading the source IP from the packets as opposed to the HTTP X-Forwarded-For header. If it's possible to change that logic within the application, you could have the app modified to read the XFF header instead.
If you're using the XFF IP value for anything other than reporting, you might want to create a custom HTTP profile with the header to insert set to X-Forwarded-For: [IP::client_addr] and the header to erase set to X-Forwarded-For. This will ensure that any pre-existing XFF header values are erased before LTM inserts the client IP is sees in the header.
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