Nov 14, 2011Nimbostratus
I am thinking reserved word for cookie name
I am trying to manipulate the expiration time of a cookie being sent from my web server (pretty sure its a session cokkie w/o an expriation time). However I am getting errors from the LTM.
the cookie name = PD-H-SESSION-ID
my irule =
if {[HTTP::cookie exists "PD-H-SESSION-ID"]} {
log local0. "I see PD-H-SESSION cookie"
HTTP::cookie expires PD-H-SESSION-ID 30 relative
my error in log =
irule-wildcard - Illegal argument (line 1) invoked from within "HTTP::cookie expires PD-H-SESSION-ID 30"
i tried double and single quotes for the cookie name
i tried using a variable to hold the cookie name
any ideas?