Oct 05, 2011Nimbostratus
https to https redirect without cert-broblem. for all but one url
I hawe two sets of websides :
1 : http://www.aaa.com
2 : https://www.aaa.com/cms/
3 : http://aaa.com
4 : https://aaa.com
http://www.aaa.com : this one have a iroute redirecting if the urls contains "/cms" to https://www.aaa.com/cms/ (works fine)
but if an user writes https://www.aaa.com we wants it to redirect to https://aaa.com
I have tryed with this one :
if { [HTTP::uri] ends_with "/cms/" }{
pool web-node
} else {
HTTP::redirect "https://aaa.com"
but the browser comes up with an cert error (getting the cert for https://aaa.com)
any ideers ??