Forum Discussion
Jan 23, 2012HTTPS Problem
Up until now using the F5 has been fairly straight forward. Adding HTTPS certificate support for incoming IE connections however has got me stumped. I have watched the online webinar ...
Jan 23, 2012Sweet! Alright, here's my favorite way to do it, everyone has a flavor of it I'm sure.
1. Create a new virtual server, a clone of the port 80 Virtual server. For this example, I'll call it clone-https
--Key difference: This one listens on port 443.
2. Import the certificate and key into the F5. Local Traffic -> certificate list ->import
3 . Create a client SSL profile , local traffic ->profiles -> ssl -> client ( . That is where you are going to define the certificate and key. For the example, I'll call the profile coolssl
4. Assign the client ssl profile to the Virtual server clone-https. Go into the virtual server properties, change it from basic to advanced, and there you should see the client ssl profile option.
Click update... and boom. Try to hit the ssl version of the site.
workie? hopefully.
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