Forum Discussion

jnantel's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 07, 2012

http to https with ExtJS lib derived content

To give you a quick summary of my setup:



I am using F5 Bigip LTM to terminate incoming https sessions and forwarding to the webservers with http. There are 2 webservers and they both work correctly and do not self address and all the links are properly converted to http based off the incoming connection. With one exception, a tree view that was created with javascript continues to show http:// links through the load balancer.



I should should see:





Instead I see:





Only links in this tree view behave this way.



Redirect rules do nothing. In my research I was told I may have to use a stream profile and basically rewrite http content on the fly.



My question, does anyone know of an easy way to solve this behavior or maybe correct it at the source?



Any input is welcome input. Thanks.




  • can you try something like this?

    STREAM::expression wiki


    [root@ve1023:Active] config  b virtual bar list
    virtual bar {
       snat automap
       pool foo
       ip protocol 6
       rules myrule
       profiles {
          http {}
          stream {}
          tcp {}
    [root@ve1023:Active] config  b pool foo list
    pool foo {
       members {}
    [root@ve1023:Active] config  b rule myrule list
    rule myrule {
       when HTTP_REQUEST {
       HTTP::header remove "Accept-Encoding"
    when HTTP_RESPONSE {
       if {[HTTP::header value Content-Type] contains "text"}{
          STREAM::expression {@http://host/wiki/blahblah.php@https://host/wiki/blahblah.php@}
    [root@ve1023:Active] config  curl
    this is host 101.
    [root@ve1023:Active] config  curl
    this is host 101.
  • Do you know what kind of performance hit streaming causes?
  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    The stream filter and iRule should have fairly low overhead as LTM isn't having to buffer the full payloads to do the rewriting like it would if you used HTTP::collect/HTTP::payload to rewrite the response content. You could make the iRule even more efficient by further limiting when you enable the stream filter. If the http:// reference is only sent in response content for specific response content-types, you could make the 'if {[HTTP::header value Content-Type] contains "text"' check more exact like 'if {[HTTP::header value Content-Type] starts_with "text/javascript"'. Or if the http:// reference is only sent in replies to a specific URI, you could add a check in HTTP_REQUEST based on the requested URI and only enable the stream filter in HTTP_RESPONSE for that URI.



    It would be most efficient to avoid using the iRule altogether by updating the application to either use https:// in absolute references or to use relative URIs (without the protocol and host name) if possible.


