Forum Discussion
HTTP Request Throttle, how to log?
I am using a slightly modded version of the HTTP Request Throttle irule found on
when RULE_INIT {
set static::maxRate 60
set static::windowSecs 30
set static::timeout 60
set static::log_interval_vip1 2
set static::redirect_url_vip1 ""
set myUserID "user"
set currentTime [clock seconds]
set windowStart [expr {$currentTime - $static::windowSecs}]
set postCount 0
set timeTable "TS-limited_uri"
set key "ST-limited_uri"
table add -subtable $timeTable $key [clock seconds] indef indef
set log_timestamp [table lookup -subtable $timeTable $key]
foreach { requestTime } [table keys -subtable "PH:${myUserID}"] {
if { $requestTime > $windowStart } {
incr postCount 1
} else {
table delete -subtable "PH:${myUserID}" $requestTime
if {[expr {$currentTime - $log_timestamp}] > $static::log_interval_vip1 } {
table set -subtable $timeTable $key [clock seconds] indef indef
log -noname local0. "Rate: ($postCount) !!!"
if { $postCount < $static::maxRate } {
set requestID "PH:${myUserID}"
table set -subtable $requestID $currentTime "ignored" $static::timeout
} else {
HTTP::redirect $static::redirect_url_vip1
The irule works a treat and I have tried introducing some logging that would give an indication of the rate of reqs/s but when I log the value of postCount it will keep rising until it its the vales set for static::windowSecs. i.e
set static::windowSecs 30 == local/tmm info tmm[18771]: Rate: (29)
set static::windowSecs 60 == local/tmm info tmm[18771]: Rate: (59)
Any suggestions on how to do this properly?
- clazbaNimbostratusHi,
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