Forum Discussion
Apr 20, 2011Nimbostratus
HTTP health monitor using iRule
Need help to configure Health Monitor using iRule
- We have two web Servers in Active / Standby mode , running three websites on each server (on three seperate IP with IP Bindings) , our requirement is if any one of the website in a Pool goes down , all web sites should be shifted to other Pool.
Issue with normal HTTP health monitor is that it deosn't detect the health monitor ( ASP page) configured for other website ( It should be because it deosn't find path for the Virtual directory) , so the health monitor marks the site as down even if it is up. Is there any way to make it work with help of iRule or any ?? please refer me to the solution if already provide ( I am new to this group)
Thanks & regards
- naladar_65658AltostratusWelcome Prasad!
- naladar_65658AltostratusCheck that area and post out. If you still run into an issue when trying to configure the monitor you might post a little more detail and provide the nitty gritty details of what your monitor needs to check, url path, timeouts on the monitor and stuff like that.
- prasadpkulkarniNimbostratusHi Nathan,
- Michael_YatesNimbostratusYou can do things like checking the number of pool members available before sending traffic to the pool with an iRule, but I don't think that you can check the availability of a downstream application status with an iRule.
- prasadpkulkarniNimbostratusHi Michael,
- prasadpkulkarniNimbostratusNathan / Michael --- Any clues or examples ??
- hoolioCirrostratusHi Prasad,
- prasadpkulkarniNimbostratusHi Aaron,
- Colin_Walker_12Historic F5 AccountIf you have all three sites running on both nodes in the pool, then why wouldn't all three monitors return true for both servers?
- prasadpkulkarniNimbostratusHi Colin ,
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