Forum Discussion

flitz_29934's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 23, 2012

HTTP class filters : how does it work internal ?

Hello everybody !



I'm wondering how the http class filters does really work. I've read some explanation in a course, in the doc and in the GUI help but there is something important that is missing :



how is the traffic that not match the filter handled by the bigIP ?



I saw that the http class filters decide which traffic goes through the application security but if the traffic is not matched by a class how is it handled ? What happens to that traffic ?



Is that traffic dropped or is it forwarded to the "default pool" configured in the virtual server (config done in the LTM) ???



I really thank you in advance for your answer !



Kind regards


  • nathe's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus



    Qu. Is this traffic dropped or is it forwarded to the "default pool" configured in the virtual server (config done in the LTM) ???


    Ans. Yes it will be sent to the pool associated with the matching VS. If you wanted to you could send any traffic matching the http class profile, and being sent to the ASM, to a different pool.



    From another post on http class profiles that I was involved with, hoolio added these two v useful links:



    SOL6754: Traffic flow for BIG-IP ASM-enabled virtual servers




    SOL8018: Overview of the BIG-IP HTTP class traffic flow




    Hope this helps

