Forum Discussion

Terry_Fleming_2's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 06, 2018

How to use values from session table to do a lookup on persist table

Thanks for your answer. The session command is working but I have one last issue. My session add command is adding to the persistence table


*session add uie $sessionid [list $calling_station_id $sessionid] $persist_ttl




*universal c8:3c:85:d1:f6:cc 10.xx.xx.xx%1:1645 10.xx.xx.xx%1:any


from a 2nd VS, I'm pulling the correct value from the session table $calling_station_id (c8:3c:85:d1:f6:cc) but I'm trying to use it to do a lookup in the persist table to get the pool member that it was persisted on. I'm getting a blank value


set session_table [session lookup uie $sessionid]


set session_id [lindex $session_table 1]


set session_mac [lindex $session_table 0]


set table [persist lookup uie $session_mac]


log local0. " Session_mac = $table" give a blank value


  • The peristence table will do a lookup on the current VS. You need to use the options to tell it to look across all VSs. See


    persist lookup   [all|node|port|pool]  
      "all" or no specification returns a list containing the node, port and pool name.  
      Specifying any of the other return types will return the specified item only.       
        =  | {  [any virtual|service|pool] [pool ] }        
         the latter key specification is used to access persistence entries across virtuals, services, or pools.


    So you want to use


    set table [persist lookup uie $session_mac any virtual]